Organization | Contact |
Kings County Behavioral Health offers behavioral and mental health support and treatment both in English and in Spanish 460 Kings County Dr. #101 Hanford, CA 93230 | KINGS COUNTY behavioral health 559-852-2444 Local Crisis Line 1-800-655-2553 |
211 - Serves as an informational tool to find local public resources and services from government, community and non-profit organizations. Find help with food, housing, child care, job training, mental health and many more services that can help either you, your friends, or your family when times get tough. | JUST DIAL 211 |
The Kind Center Provides outpatient mental health services to children and youth who present with moderate to severe needs up to age 21. 1002 N. Douty St., Hanford, CA 93230 | KINGS COUNTY behavioral health 559-235-9239 |
Kings View Behavioral Health offers behavioral and mental health support and treatment both in English and in Spanish 1393 Bailey Dr., Hanford, CA 93230 | Kings View 559-582-4481 |
Domestic Violence | 1-800-799-7233 |
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline | Call or Text 9-8-8 |
National Substance Abuse Helpline | 1-800-HELP (4357) |
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) | 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) |
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline | 866-331-9474 Live chat 4pm - 2am |
Kings/Tulare County Warmline Anyone, any age, can call the non-crisis Kings/Tulare Warm Line available 24/7, including weekends and holidays. Call when you need to speak with someone who will listen to your concerns without judgment or criticism. | Warm Line 1-877-306-2413 |
Kings Community Action Crisis Center | Kings Community Action Organization 559-585-1018 |
Cornerstone Recovery System (Alcohol and Drug Related Programs) | http://www.cornerston-aod.org/services.htm 559-583-2030 |
Lemoore Naval Fleet & Family Support 870 Franklin Ave., Lemoore, CA 93246 | 559-998-4042 |
Sexual Assault Prevention Hotline | 877-727-3225 |
Central Valley Crisis Hotline - suicide prevention and counseling | 1-888-506-5991 |
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline | 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741741 Confidential support 24/7 |
Kings County 24 hour Crisis Hotline Emotional and Mental Support | 1-800-843-5200 |
Trevor Project (LGBTQ support) | Text START to 678-678 or call 1-866-488-7386 |
The Source LGBT+ Center Mental health, HIV testing, prevention & support, food boxes, transgender resources, youth groups, training 109 NW 2nd Ave., Visalia, CA M-F 10 am - 6 pm | 559-429-4277 |
Crisis Stabilization Services Exodus Recovery Inc. (walk-ins) 24 hours Fresno CSC Youth unit 4411 E Kings Canyon Rd., Fresno CA 93702 Psychiatric and chemical dependency treatment services | 559-453-1008 |
TheHopeLine - help students and young adults in crisis by offering sound advice and a safe place to connect. | |
Emergency Calls - any type of emergency | Call 911 |
LOSS TEAM - Kings County Behavioral Health If you or someone you know has experienced a suicide loss and would like to receive a voucher for grief and bereavement services, contact LOSS TEAM. | 559-852-2444 |
Aspiranet Hanford Provides children, youth, and families with mental health, foster care, and family-based social services. Contact Kings Co Behavioral Health for referrals. | |
Veteran’s/Public Guardian Adult Protective Services | 559-582-3211 ext. 2661 |
Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline | 1-877-727-3225 (after hours, weekends & holidays) 559-585-1018 M-F 8 am - 5 pm |
National Domestic Violence Hotline 24/7 for anonymous, confidential help | National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 |
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline Provides Operates 24 hours each day, 365 days every year in 150 different languages. | 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or text START to 88788 |
WestCare (Substance Use Treatment)Provide information and education about alcohol and drugs on how their effect and impact are essential to making the best decisions | 559-584-8100 Youth |
Champions (Substance Use Treatment) offers programs for children and adolescents addressing behavioral and/or mental health concerns. | 559-583-9300 Adults |
California Health Collaborative | For more information on how to sign-up contact Isabella Avedikian IAvedikian@healthcollaborative.org |
The REACT I HRT U Program -Improving Health by Reducing Tobacco Use. Ensures students have an opportunity to take the lead and create meaningful change in their communities in tobacco control efforts. | Regional Advocates Countering Tobacco (ReACT) |California Health Collaborative 559-315-5542 |
Partnership to End Addiction Connect with a specialist now. Our support is free and confidential. Specialists are ready to listen and help you find answers for yourself and your child. | Get Support | Addiction Resources | Partnership to End Addiction Text CONNECT to 55753 |
Kings County Crisis Line Kings View | 1-800-655-2553 or 559-582-4484 |
Peer-to-Peer Non-Crisis Warm Line | 1-877-306-2413 Kings Behavioral Health |
KIND Center (Mental Health Treatment) | Adults: Kings View 559-582-4481 Children: KIND Center 559-235-9239 |